Happy Easter everyone!
We have had such a busy couple of months over here in the Anderson home! I began my Basi Pilates Comprehensive training in March and it has been a whirlwind ever since. I am already certified in that Mat portion of the course, so that is a review for me. (thank goodness!) But I'm learning all of the equipment now which is so fun, but also a lot of work! Along with the training I have to get in 200 hours of observation, 200 hours of teaching, and 200 practical hours... So, while I'm not at the tides... you can find me at the studio! At the end of the course we have a written exam, 10 page paper... AND dum da da dummmmm..... I get to fly down and test out in front of Rael Isacowitz, founder of Basi Pilates. I'm only slightly intimidated! Either way I'm loving the course and all the time I get to dedicate to pilates in this season of life. If you are interested in trying out Pilates let me know... Right now I'm an intern at the Pilates Body and a private with me is only 20$, such a great deal!
Caleb helped me pull weeds and plant flowers yesterday and the day before.. What wonderful weather we had, I worked outside until it got too dark. We planted carrots, corn, melons, sunflowers, bachelor buttons, sweet peas, hydrangeas, johnny jump ups, snapdragons. All my favorites! I sure hope they grow. Emma wasn't much help, but she did come out and roll around in the sun... Pretty cute. She wont go outside if it isn't warm enough for her (such a kitty princess!)
No huge Easter plans this year. We went to church this morning and are hoping to see my brother this afternoon. Gma pat had knee surgery this past week, so she will be laying low.
In Church this morning they talked about the third day... When Jesus rose from the dead and offered us hope in the midst of trial. So even when our world seems depressing and awful, remember there is always a third day! I'm so grateful for the third-day!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter...