

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Making baby food

It probably will take me longer to write this post then it does to make baby food. I have loved making Jacks food- but I was nervous at first, I didn't have a fancy baby food maker that all my friends had... I went to the store to buy one but they were so expensive and i figured i had all the appliances at home to make the food- so i decided I would give it a try. I'm glad I did because you totally don't need the fancy food maker- it's nice it steams and purées the food all in one place. But, anytime I can cut down on costs and space- I will do it. Speaking of costs... Making your own baby food saves you oodles of money! Each organic little pouch of food is up to 2 dollars- for 2 dollars I can feed jack for a week making the food. So- here's how I make jacks food; 

Pears- yummy!
Peel the fruit/veggie, this takes the most of the time.
Cut up your fruit into pieces
Throw chopped fruit into your steamer.
Cover and steam until soft.
Choose your method of food processors. I have two- I use them both, but because this is a big batch I chose to use the big food processor. You can also use your blender! 
Hit it!
Sometimes I add the water I steamed the fruit with- depending on consistency of fruit/veggie. With pear you probably don't need to add liquid but sweet potato yes. 

Using the liquid from steaming is great because it has yummy nutrients.
I like to make big batches of food and freeze them in my ice cube trays. Once frozen I pop them out and store them in a labeled plastic bag. Then all I have to do is thaw the cube and dinner is served. 

See- its not scary! Give it a try... Your baby will love the food you make and you will save money. For more recipes and tips check out The Super Baby foods book. 

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